Telephone: 01502 711650

Frequently Asked Questions - Worlingham Motor Company

Full contact and location details plus opening times can be found on our contact page

Yes, we’ll be glad to take in your car in part exchange, subject to the market condition of your vehicle

Yes. Please see our finance page for details

Yes. Please see our warranty page for details

Yes. We’ll ensure your MOT is up to date

Yes. We’ll ensure that your vehicle’s service schedule is up to date according to mileage and manufacturer’s recommendations.

Bank transfer (BACS), Cash (up to £8,000), Debit card / Credit card (use for purchase deposit only please) A discretionary £90 documentation fee might be payable. A non refunadable* deposit of £300 is payable upon purchase. *Does not apply to a purchase where a deposit is placed prior to the actual viewing of the vehicle.*

Yes. We offer a competitive valuation based on the market condition of your vehicle

Yes. Husband, wife and two sons plus long term relationships with our associates mean that we genuinely are a family company. We are proud of our heritage since our launch in 1992 and, as a family firm, we purchase all our forecourt vehicles with our own money. Our confidence can be your confidence.